Something is amiss here. I don't feel like myself. Every single movement feels languid and forced. Every thought seems uncertain and boring. Every available moment is spent on dreaming away on things that need not receive much attention like wondering how cheese is made or what if the world didn't have any sellotape or on how is sellotape spelled; is it cellotape or sellotape? I just figured that one out by the way.
I am not sick by the way. Or being eaten away by some terminal illness. It's like being high on some new designer drug that makes it's consumer feel droopy. That's the word. Yes, droopy.. dejected... disheartened. Which ever you may prefer.
No, I am not suicidal. I don't think I am into this whole droopiness that deep. I am one that strongly believe that death is never the answer to any of the problems that we have, be it self-inflicted or presented upon. For the record, I am not depressed either. I just feel disinterested, but I am happy *drawing up a smile* see... happy.
Come to think of it, its kinda like that feeling when you're hopelessly infatuated with someone and she's not around. (That last line sounded a bit girlie didn't it. Whatever.) That phase where you are constantly dwelling on this specific person in that point of your life that seems to make it feels like, forgive the cliche, like butterflies are flying around in your stomach. This feeling that you're just waiting to meet her. Just for this slight window of opportunity to have her in your sights. A little peek would do. That's all it takes just to feel that lump in your throat, that warm feeling in your chest. Just that one moment would just send you into this whole state of euphoria and then " oi!! boy!!! you okay ka? smiling away like a dick like that," says your very "understanding" friend sitting next to you.
Funny thing is, crushes never turn out to be who they are. That's the stupid thing about having a crush. You are filled with this illusion that this girl is the very embodiment of perfection. Getting to know them... Well, that's a completely different story altogether. Snoring, bad feet, bad breath... you name it. But hey, no one's perfect right. The image of perfection is an illusion. The essence of perfection is where her flaws are the things that you love most about her. I have no idea where that last line came from. Must be the droopiness talking.
Being with someone is a different story. You know it's just right because everything around just falls into place. I think I should stop babbling on and on about this. But I do feel a lot more better now. Thank you for indulging me in this weird little entry.
Maybe, just maybe, this whole feeling I have right now is because I've been listening to all those slow, piano-ey, guitar-ey love songs. Yes, believe it or not, I, the one who condones music such as mentioned above, am listening to love songs. It must be the stress or the fact that I have ran out of things to download and listen to. So to anyone out there who is willing to save me from this wretched state, recommend me something. Please. I beg you.
Since I'm blogging, I might as well tell you what I did tonight. We went to Serasa Beach. Bought food and drinks and ciggies and just hung out there in the middle of the night for dinner. Made a fire. It was cool and quiet. Just nice. It was windy.. but then it got a little more windier when all of a sudden, tiny droplets of water could be felt descending upon us.
"Rain!!!" my friend screamed as he dashed hastily towards the car which was parked 50m away. He didn't even wait for us to pack up. He just ran like Forrest Gump. I was next to follow... hehhehehe from experience, when it rains in Serasa, you should really just get the hell out of there. It just completely pours. Funny thing was when my friend reached his car, he couldn't find his keys and in the event of searching for the mentioned keys, his pants dropped to his ankles. Literally. All he did was jump around, trying to pull them up, shouting shit numerous times
Thankfully, his little escapade with the keys and his pants, gave time for my other friends to pack and make it in time to the car. No sooner than that, it poured just as predicted. So what were we to do? Our little gathering was cut short and we had no place to go. We did what any other red blooded group of guys seeking for fun and adventure at midnight - go ghost hunting. Brunei is very much haunted by spirits I tell you that much. Some of the houses looks as scary as they are told to be.
Anyway, got to go. Have to attend class later at 9. Well, classes start at 8a.m but I'm too lazy to get up so early. What the hell right? Good night everyone.
WARNING: this post is not to be mentioned again. I am denying any knowledge that I have ever written this. Period!!!! Those who disobey will be punished. Thank you.
This is a true story. I was out with a friend on a Saturday night. We were talking in the car parked outside this Indian store (waiting for a few friends to pick up a few things inside) when all of a sudden this Indian guy starts smiling at my friend. I mean, it didnt matter at first except this Indian guy kept looking back at my friend as he walked away - like some infatuated school girl.
Friend: *semi shocked expression on his face*
Me: your friend ka?
friend: No.
Me: I think he likes you.
friend: Stupid.
It was not much of a fuss then but later on that night, almost the same exact thing happened. These bunch of guys passed us by and smiled directly at this friend of mine. The same friend.
Me: you know them.
friend: I dont think so.
Me: are you gay?!? (I mean, who wouldn't ask that?). Cant anyone that has smiled to you be a girl?
friend: stupid
He's married by the way, my friend. Funny night that was. Went out to Empire and took a walk around the place and saw this bimbotic friend of mine go," OH MY GOD!!! THIS IS LIKE SO BEAUTIFULL!!!!" with one arm straight and close to the body, hand arched up and the other arm close to the body but bent and hands gesturing to the villas close by. Body posture: He was sickly pondan looking. Oesterogen on the up again I guess. He kept on going on like that for about fifteen minutes until I threatened to generally dismember him, limb from limb. It was a full moon that night. Why cant I get a were wolf as a friend instead? Why do I have to have a were-woman instead as a goddamn annoyance?
Anyway, my point is, what made those guys smiled to my this friend of mine? His looks? His three quarter denim shorts? His short hair? Or maybe none of those and just plain ol' sex appeal. Sex appeal to attract the same sex??? I have weird friends....
But what is sex appeal? Flip through magazines and you're bound to find models who are seemingly the essence of sexy. True, they have "tooiiight" bodies... like "toooiiigerr". And wonderful looking hair. Alluring facial structures... and what not. But is that what defines sexy? There was this debate I had with a close friend about how hot Ali Larter looked. You know, Ali Larter, this girl who was in Varsity Blues and this other movie I cant quite remember starring the"Sabrina the teenage Witch" girl. She has hot lips. That much I can give. But my friend was going on about how hot she looks. This friend is a girl by the way. I think I ended up telling her that I would not wanna shag a stick figure (because obviously Ali Larter was a bit thin).
Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That sex appeal is a variable that is dependent on those whose eyes favor them. And not by the models in magazines or pop stars. Speaking of which, Britney Spears is a shell of her former self. She is a real life walking cunt. You would too if you hung out with a stupid spoiled whore like Paris Hilton....
I guess that's it for now. Going to bed now. Good night everyone.
What is murder? That's my question. It is the act of taking another's life, is it not? I mean you can go through all the legal aspects of murder - Premeditated or deliberate murder; murder while committing another crime; unintentionally killing someone... And then you have to go through what constitutes as murder or the characteristics or murders. What bullshit is this? No wonder lawyers find it easy to loophole their clients out of a situation.
Here's what I think - someone dies by your hand or act. That's easy for most of us to understand isn't it? Humanity find murderers the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth. That's how we are brought up. That is what we have to believe. We are enveloped in this cocoon of moral righteousness that the decision of what is right or wrong has already been decided for us. So much for free will...
Sure the act of strip off one's right to live by simply ending their life prematurely is in a word bad. Who are we to decide who lives or dies, right? It's about your moral stance basically. How can you define right when wrong is sometimes right? Think of it this way; we are protected by a judicial system that condones murders and yet sentences the guilty to death. Ironic dont you think? How is that justifiable?
Take the Iraqi war for example: Bush was on this hellbent mission to free the people of Iraq from the tyranny of Hussein. In the end, he lost a lot of good men, scandals upon scandals on the injustice that the American soldiers afflicted on the Iraqi people and millions... no, make it billions of dollars on what seems to be a cause that might have well been lost. There is a lot of blood on this man's hands. In the end, its Saddam Hussein who takes it all.
Why am I going on about murders and death and all that? I watched "Saw III", the latest installment in the "Saw" franchise. Some of you might think that this is one fucked up movie. Well, that part is true but Jigsaw believe it or not, has not once killed anyone. He gave his victims choices in order for them to test their will to live. Probably in some hope that his victims will be more enlightened and that when they get through it their air will taste fresher, water will be more refreshing and food would have never ever taste even more delicious. It is gory (the film) but it does have its moral dilemmas, beyond severed body parts, copious amounts of blood and pigs???
Good Night everyone...
It's a three day weekend and I chose not to go back home. I like staying at hostel. It's home. I mean KB is home too but this is my asylum. The place where I can unwind, be a bum and do some work at the same time (hostel got wi-fi... wooohoooo!!!). Besides, I have another reason to stay back over the three day weekend. I'll be working in KB soon. In about a week to be exact. So why trouble myself with the commuting and the packing and the unpacking when I can just wait it out?
Anyway, the nights can be a bit dragging. All of my housemates have gone home and also the rest of inhabitants of the second floor. That's right. I am alone on the second floor. Come to think of it. The only one left in the second and third floor. A few of my juniors share my enthusiasm for isolation. Three of them but mostly they spend their time either in their unit on the first floor or in the common room below them. I mean who wouldn't? It's air-conditioned.
I guess I am virtually alone in this supposedly haunted structure. Haunted according to my seniors and also fellow intakes. Haunted, according to those who's ever stayed in this dormitory. Legendary hauntings I tell you. But its not so bad now I guess. my juniors had numerous encounters in the floor above us. really freaky ones. Women in white and everything. But that's another story altogether.
Being alone usually heightens your sense of imagination. Ever had that feeling like you're being watched or there's someone standing behind you, peering over your shoulder. That's how hyperactive your imagination can be. The slightest noise can make you jump. Your imagination runs amok when you're alone and the fact that you remember all those silly stupid ghost stories doesn't make it any better either. It's kinda like that feeling that you have after watching a really scary movie. One where the vivid images of the faces of ghosts are practically cemented into your brain. It makes every shadow and every noise and every voice seem to resonate with terror and certain doom. Even the most familiar voice of someone close to you may sound chillingly inhuman.
But I'm doing fine here aren't I? Haven't had any mishaps with the supernatural in awhile. Well, there were a few incidents in my room that I cannot explain. Mainly because I was sleeping when they happened. There was this one time I saw a faceless lady in white sitting at the foot of my bed and those countless times I felt like I was being sat on. You know the ones where you're wide awake but you can't seem to get up or speak and there's this strange buzzing in your ear. Freaky aint it? Well, that's what I think anyway. I am always half awake when these things happens.
This entry is a bit disturbing ain't it? But I like being alone sometimes. Helps me to think. Just to sort things out. Kinda like defragging your hard drive. Hmmm... come to think of it, the girls hostel is empty...
Nevermind. Too lazy to get up to do any mischief. Maybe I'll wreak havoc some other day. Good night everyone and pleasant dreams... where ever your are...
hhhhuuuuuuuauaaaaaahhhhhhhhuuuuuaaaahhhhhhh *trying to imitate eerie laughter*
Exams suck. I used to think it suck, I still think it sucks and ten years from now, I will still think that exams suck. Why? Because I hate studying for exams. Why can't exams be fun, like a game or something? I am smart but education put so many shit in my head that I don't know what's what anymore...
That's just my drowsiness talking. I'm not really that smart. And I loooooovvvveeeee skooooooolllllll... really, I do. Please believe me. I stupid what!!!
I'm sleepy by the way. I'm seeing stars as I write this. Just waiting for the right time to go to bed. When the stars start to fade and my eyelids feel as if it is being weighed down by a single brick. What happened to the rain?? I miss the night rain. I like... Everything just feels right for one to sleep.
My bimbotic guy friend passed his course finals. He finished it top of his class.. And now he's a qualified nurse. He's studying for another year though to become a mental health nurse... wooooooooo... congrats to him. At least, I still have someone to watch when I'm bored. This guy is funny. He's so funny that he doesn't realise that he's funny. Funny, huh?
I still think your gay and that thrush that you had must have come from somewhere. Or should, I say, someone?? *dum dum dum duuuuuummmmmmm*
Anyways, I think the drowsiness is setting in. Going to go to sleep now. Good night everyone. By the way, I passed my semester finals too... Yipeee *in low monotous voice*
There's something about the weather these days that I like - it's been raining a lot. A lot a lot. I like the rain. It's a fine weather to be sleeping in. I mean it is a change from the dreaded heat and the dryness and the sweating and the body odours that one emits when they sweat. But still, the rain...
Did I not mention I like the rain? I call rain my perfect excuse. Why? Because its just the perfect excuse.
friend you hate: "wanna go out today?"
me: "No, I cant. It's raining like shit out there"
Mom: "mind taking out the trash for me?"
me: "in this weather? Mom... I cant. It's about to rain."
Imagine the rubbish bin is in the parking area, just downstairs.. and then she gives me that look. The look of a mother that is about to kill her son with a cleaver for giving her a lame-ass excuse to not help her in the disposal of our daily garbage *hehehhe, hi mom*
It's also my lazy weather. I sleep well under cold rainy conditions. I mean, we are in Brunei and who doesn't sleep when it rains? Even after it rains, the taste of fresh of rain going in your nasal passages just tells you that you need to continue on sleeping and that comfortable coldness enveloping you just feels perfect for another nap =S Like I said, Brunei is hot. Cold is a beckoning comfort that is much welcomed into the hearts of many.
If its one thing that I don't get about the things people say about rain is that you'll get sick if you play in it. How so? I really don't get that. I used to hear,"no, you cant go out today!! its raining outside!!" and my reply would be,"we shower also. How come we don't get the sick?"
And then my mom gives me this look like she's about to slap the back of my head for being too much of a smart-ass.
Fine. Maybe there is some truth to that. I don't get sick from being in the rain for too long. Well, not often. Like just the other day, a group of friends and I were playing futsal in the rain. It was pouring at the time. Really it was and I still feel fine. If you've never actually indulge yourself in any activity that is done in the rain, then you are missing a lot. It is F-U-N. And wet. And Cold. But still fun.
However, what annoys me the most about the rainy season is that there is never a good time to drive. When it's during the day and it rains heavily, the road is just a greyish blur and you can see that everyone is going well below the speed limit. Not to mention the large amounts of water patches on the road that you ever so often run over causing this big splash onto the windscreen. When its at night, all you can see are the orangey glow of street lights and the moving orbs of red and yellow or white that you assume are cars. In either case, you're still driving like an old woman. Visibility is always a problem when it rains. And the shittiest thing is it usually stops when you reach home or destination and very seldom when you are on your way.
But still... I like rain...
Anyways, I know I said I'll stop with the gore fest but I don't get it with my luck. Each and every DVD that I have bought turns out to be more and more bloodier or eerier or gorier than the last. So, what the hell?? Might as well carry on, right? Favourite movies so far are "Feast", "Gangster High","The Spirit Of The Victim", and "February 29th". "Feast" was awesome. Why? There is this scene where this guy comes into the bar (of which these helpless victims are trapped in and being attack by this creature of unknown origin) and starts ordering people around and shooting off his shotgun and all that hero shit and this happens:
Hero: So, does anyone have any questions?
Helpless, sarcastic, know-it-all son-of-a-bitch: Yeah... Who the fuck are you?
Hero: I'm the guy whose gonna save your fucking asses (and then monster bites off his head from behind)
It's a gory, gory comedy. Really funny if you're into dark comedy.
Gonna go watch a DVD before I sleep. Good Night Everyone...
I am in pain. My third molars are surfacing so to speak. It feels as if they're slowly ripping apart my gums. And this happens ever so often for the past 4 years or so. It's like these dentine devils enjoy seeing me suffer. It feels like they're slowly cutting open to the surface with a butter knife. Slow, long, agonizingly painful cut to the surface.
I'm talking about my wisdom teeth just in case anyone's wondering. Come, join me in my silly lil discussion about these so called wisdom teeth. Come, have a seat. Have some coffee. Let me light that cigarette for you.
But I don't wanna call 'em wisdom teeth. No, I refuse to call them wisdom teeth.
Why is it called that anyways? There is a surmountable amount of pain a person goes through when these molars come out. At least, it feels like that. Not that I can't sleep because I am in pain (That is a whole other different topic altogether). There's this numbing pain on the right side of my face that is going upwards towards my brain... Every few minutes I can feel the muscles on my face contort in reaction to the wave of pain that's going up my cheeks. After some time, my eyeball feels like it's gonna squirt jelly or pop out of its socket.
Still... why are they called wisdom teeth?? Am I supposed to be wiser after this? Am I supposed to be enlightened by the pain that I am going through? Ever heard of the saying "if it doesn't kill you, it'll only make you stronger"? Am I suppose to be stronger after this?
If this is how enlightenment feels like, wonder what the Three Wise Men had to go through to be the Three Wise Men? Some people. Wisdom teeth, my ass. They should be called late-growing-teeth-which-cause-agonizingly-periodical-pain teeth. Or pain teeth.
I think this ranting has gone far enough. Gonna go suck on an ice cube.
My eyes... my damn eyes..
Why can't I sleep at night? Why do I feel sleepy in the morning? What the fuck?
It's 2.00am. I'm listening to my two guy friends talking about Madonna and her dance moves. There actually pretty funny without even trying. Again... what the fuck??? Now I have to listen to my bimbotic guy friend lecture me on the characteristics of an insomniac. Apparently according to him, I am depressed.
Yes... and the response would be... WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Well... he said insomniacs are usually depressed and that they think too much. Occasionally, I glance over at him and just nod while I'm typing or maybe smile in between nods. Now he's moved on to talking about Ryan Starr or whatever his name is. Yes, I am typing this while I listen to him ramble. Now he's talking to my other friend.
I am not depressed though by the way. I just like staying up late at night. Night is fun. No sun. No heat. No people. Not that I don't like company. Maybe I'm just not tired enough. Maybe... but I am. Had my daily dose of futsal. It's just impossible for me to sleep at the right time. I was sleepy a few hours ago. And I did try to bring myself to bed but when I finally lay myself on a semi-comfortable mattress that probably is one of the main reasons I am now suffering from backaches my eyes just won't close. Damn eyes.
Maybe I just need to just shut my eyes and then pretend I'm sleeping. Maybe I just need to get myself wasted. Maybe.. so many maybes and yet none are certainties.
Results are not out yet and I don't know how much that affects me.
I'm gonna go try to fake myself to sleep. I think I'm going on about everything about nothing other than something. What the hell is that last line about?
Oh well... Goodbye.
I just realised I posted probably one of the longest entries I have ever... errrmmm... entered. Wow... What the hell was I thinking??? Need to lessen up on the gore. Maybe after I finish watching Friday the 13th V to IX. I need to unwind.
Listening to John Mayer's "comfortable" right now. I was in class and in between me focusing on the lectures and being inattentive, the song was constantly playing in my head. It's a nice song. A bit depressing but still a nice song. It's really soothing and yet there's this air of regret to it. Not that the song means anything to me.
Note to self: start listening to Nirvana again.
Where have all the nice grunge bands gone to? Kurt Cobain just had to kill himself and Silverchair turning all orchestra-ish and electronic and commercialization is killing the purity of good ol' fashion music with heavy guitar riffs, profanity and the freedom of speech. I miss the simplicity of music that you can just bang your head to. Some say angry, I say energetic and free. So HAH to ya!!!
The days just feel shorter and shorter to the 31st of May. Time does fly...
I am online right now because I am looking up a disease that one of my friends caught. He has by the way oral thrush (Candiasis or Moniliasis). I just had to find out. He told me the way the nurses looked at him when he went to the Emergency department. I can see why. Let me just say that this GUY friend of mine has more oestrogen than testosterone. Obviously from the way he walks and the way he moves and the way he talks. You should see him when he meets up with his girlfriends. It's like reliving Fran Drescher's the Nanny all over again *shudders* Come to think of it, he does sound a bit bimbotic... *goosebumps*
Anyway, this I got from him, oral thrush usually happens to those whose given oral to someone who has syphilis, gonorrhea and all those other STDs. And there I was looking at him telling me this and thinking to myself... No, no, reminding myself that I should always remember to lock my doors at night when I sleep. I still am doing that right now. Not that I don't trust him or that I think that he is actually gay. It was just the spur of the moment kind of thing you know.
So here I am, looking for the truth behind his oral thrush. It is true what the nurses told him. It is a sign of STD. But (there is a but, thank god!) it can also be due to low body immunity, stress and symptoms of other underlying diseases *phew; that was a relieve* BUT I AM STILL LOCKING MY DOORS I TELL YOU!!
By the way, to belle: who's angry?? your the one who's always spurting profanities every five minutes.... wooooooohhhoooooo back at you. And I happen to love black, thank you very much.
Good Night everyone cause I'm going to sleep soon... wooohooooo
Basically, classes were a drain, mentally. On top of clinical practices, assignments and tests, I have to write a 5, 000 word paper that is to be the definition of all assignments. Why? Because it accounts for 50 percent of my overall final grade.
It sucks ass.
Anyway, the week has been put to good use. I watched horror movies to de-stress myself. Why? I love horror. Always have and always will.
I love being scared. I loved being scared by the supernatural to be exact. I am fascinated by the unexplained.
No, I am not a Goth, thank you very much. When I was young, I used to love listening to the stories that my grandparents and granduncles and all the other grands told during family gatherings. There were stories about immortals, witchcraft, ghosts, the undead, shape-shifters... well, you get the picture. Frankly, I never did believe much.. Maybe a little... You know how the imaginative mind of a five year old child is easily influenced?
You can see why I love horror films so very much.
The thing that disappoints me is that a lot of movies have what I would say a classic plotline that it seems to me that most movies are a copy of the next best selling thing in the box office. That's the trend in Hollywood and pretty much anywhere. Take "I know what you did last summer" starring an all star 20-something-year-olds teen sensations Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillipe and Freddie Prinze Jr., I think? Whatever... It was lame for the very reason that the movie was similar to "Scream" which practically re-invented the teen slasher horror genre and gave it enough twists and turns to bind you to your seats and yet managed to stay within the mainstream plots and not to mention grossed millions. Basically Scream did better than "I know..". The first movie anyways. Well, i liked it. So there.
However, there are the classics. The Freddy Nightmare series was totally original. I mean come on. A serial killer that comes back to haunt the residents of Elm Street in their dreams. A lot of blood, a lot of gore and very disturbing. I remember watching it when I was 8. Going to sleep was never easy for a few months after that. I kept imagining Freddy would come after me. Imagine that - Nightmare In Seria. And then you have the slasher films - Halloween, Friday the 13th and who can forget Leatherface - of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame - the demented, heartless, relentless psychopath who in his spare time enjoys sewing human skin and wearing his handy work.
Why am I ranting on and on about slasher films all of a sudden??
Because Hollywood has yet to immortalised the true supernatural experience on screen. This is not counting the X-Files series and the new "Supernatural" series. (Gee whiz.. wonder what that is about?? Duhhhhhhh...). I mean seriously vampires are lame, rustic bloodsuckers who may or may not be aristrocratic by birth. Basically, they are spoiled brats with fangs who are born with hemophilia. Werewolves are overrated rabbied men bitten by rabbied wolves. Shoot a man with a silver bullet, who wouldn't die? Helllooooo... Ghouls, goblins, poltergeist and other demons and spirits that I can't think off right now are frailly portrayed and lack that certain scary-and-I-will-eat-your-heart element to each character. Besides Hollywood spirits lack the finesse of their Asian counterparts. Let's face it, the better ghost movies are remakes of Asian films.
Just to make things clear - Asian Horror kicks ass!!!!
I love asian horror films. They'll scare you out of your seats. The good ones I mean. Not the ones where you can see the pontianak is wearing really thick foundation and flying around with the help of wires or where the scenes are predictable, say for example a girl is walking home alone and takes the path that is known to be haunted. Wonder what would happen next?? Maybe she would find her way home with the help of the lady in white who is covered in blood...
I think the Thais have taken asian horror to a level that you think that there cannot be anything more scary than that damn Shutter film. Fuck. That movie was awesome. Really awesome. The newest release from the land of elephants, tom yams and cheap sex is "the spirit of the victim". Scary, yes indeed it was.
Can't believe I wrote a lot of crap about mostly nothing? Hmmm...
Anyways, here's the basic plotline to most horror films:
a)a really bad family history or a history littered with injustice and eventually death:
-yes, the villains are usually psychotic and vindictive. Or they might have a psychotic mother or a childhood that was traumatized (enter Jason). But somehow or rather, they manage to be super strong and a bit stubborn about dying (which I quite frankly don't get). Then there are the souls of those who were brutally murdered or has a past that was filled with hardship or heartbreaks or something that triggers them to unleash all horrors of hell upon every person that they come across.
b)a clueless hero or heroine:
-Mostly, women are favourites to assume the role of eventual victors in the fight for their lives. I think it's because they scream better. I was watching this called "Creep" and most of the time the actress was screaming her head off. I mean, in between the screaming and the sobbing, she has the balls, literally speaking, to go and check on her friend who was dragged instantaneously right in front of her under a train that has stopped in the middle of the London Underground. I was thinking,"what the fuck bitch?!? Run!! Dammit, run!!". Smart, no. Stupid, very much so. The other thing that gets me is that no matter how stupid they look or how skinny, they always manage to conquer all odds and kill the really strong and really smart bad guy. I guess he may not be really smart. Usually dies at the end or is stopped. Either one, the credits starts rolling.
c)there is a lot of blood. Excessively large amounts of blood. And maimed and dismembered body parts. Need I say more??
d)Sins are usually a no-no.
-Having sex or have had sex will entitle one to death by whatever means the villain deems appropriate. t is the biggest taboo in all horror films. It practically stamps the doers of taboo with a big, red bullseye on their forehead. Then again, no death means less fun ain't it? So there is a message to all this killing huh? Yes indeed. Comitting a sin is punishable by an agonizing slow death. So kids, Sex Is Bad!!!
That is too much to swallow in one night. Besides, I think I spend too much time on ghosts and DVDs that sometimes I forget to sleep. Going to bed now. Will add in more things later.
I can't believe I am in one of those modes again - The one where I cannot seem to fall asleep. Back to classes and yet I cant seem to sleep at the right time. I slept for ONLY two hours last night and it took forever to get those two hours in.
And here I am... wide awake and erratically moody. I feel like a manic depressive patient gone off his meds. Classes are going on as usual which makes it even worse. In the midst of lectures, I was constantly going in and out of consciousness. It was going through a movie with bad editing. In one instance i was wide awake. Then it all slowly fades to black. I want to keep my eyes wide open but the temptation...
How the temptation lures me... Then I am wide awake again realizing at the last minute that I was about to doze off. I checked the time. It was just a minute ago that I had done the same thing... Being sleepy does seem to make time pass even slower than usual, doesnt it?
The voice of my tutor was mere murmurs in the ears of my sleep deprived self. This constant buzzing in my ear. I was dependent on the whispers of stories the friends around me had. Hanging by a thread I was. I can only manage to shake it off. That constant feeling of drowsiness. As if that ever worked. I wish classes were less dreary and a little more FUN.
How the temptation lures me...
And there I go again. Back at trying to keep my eyes wide open. Trying to anyways.
Now back in my room and now I wont go to sleep. I simply cant. Football later... An essential in the life of any healthy young male... Wooohooooo...
I need sleep...
This entry is as sleepy as I am. I need sleep dearly. Not now. Later. After football.
This is home away from home. I tried to live without blogging but I couldn't.
I think too much... That was basically the main reason why I blog. Blogging helps me to put my thoughts aside for just one moment.. Yes it helps. At least, i think it does. It helps to keep all those sleepless nights away.
Funny when your actually here you cant think of anything decent or worth writing about to blog.
What the hell.... I'll be back to blog about more things later.