Feb 21, 2008

How Long Is Forever?

Ever wondered how long an eternity would be? Imagine if all the mountains on earth were reduced down to grains of sand. Imagine each and every grain was lined up in one single line. Every one thousand years a crow would come and pick one grain from that line. An eternity would be the amount of time for the bird to finish picking up the grains of sand.

Unfortunately, I just found out that forever meant until something good came along to replace the old. Yes, that is basically reality. Forever is used so often that most people tend to forget what it means.

Anyways, if you're smart you should figure what my entry is about. I am so not in the mood to be optimistic.

Feb 20, 2008

Blog Is Dead

Hello dear living. It is I. Yes, it's me. The one who writes here. I'm here. Yes, IT is I. Aren't you glad to see me? Yes. Yes, you are you little twit.

To hell with that, let's just start with me warning about how random this entry is.

Warning: It's random.

I made a trip with my family to Labi the other month. You KBians should know where it is. You non-Kbians whatever lah. Anyways, this was a 2 hour drive from Liang, all the way to Labi and beyond. It was amazing how progress has finally reared it's head into the rural regions of Belait. The roads were less rocky compared to what I remembered a few years back. They finally had ELECTRICITY!!!!!!! How cool is that?!?

This is actually not my point. I just need to point out that if you ever go to Labi to visit your relatives, be sure to empty your bladder to and from your destination and not to drink too much liquid. The roads cannot be rushed. I had the experience of holding in a full bladder for more than two hours. Why? Because I have this phobia about foreign toilets. Very not comfortable peeing in a new place. So I didn't make that quick pit stop to the little boy's room at my cousins place. The road to Labi is so winding that the curves themselves have curves. Which makes it almost impossible to speed through. I counted the minutes till we got home.

But it was worth the wait. I love peeing on a full bladder. The relieve that you feel after is better than any high that one will ever experience. TRRRUUUUUEEEE~~~ I kid you not.

Although I've been absent from my blog for sometimes, I do notice one thing. I am losing readers. 50% of my loyal readers have moved on. So now it's just Bella that's left. Therefore, I will award her with a "The Stinking Mongoose" loyalty award. By that I mean she deserves an honorary mention and her name in large, bold letters.


Oh yeah, I am now a qualified and registered staff nurse. Weeeeeeee~~~~

Sorry, but this is not a long post. If you want long post, go to highway and take a lamp post... wawawawawawawwawwawawa... I made a stupidest of lame cracks. Not cool

Ever wondered why a football match lasts 45 mins? It's because one side has 11 male players playing with one ball. Guess how many balls are there? That's rite. Clever *insert appropriate sex. Be true now. Nobody likes a liar* Wah!!! another one. I'm on a nerdy roll. Whooopppeeeee....

Good night people.

Feb 7, 2008

Dear He Who Thinks You're A Dillhole. . .

First of all…

What the fuck, man?

Second of all…

Who the fuck, man?

If anyone is a dillhole here, its gotta be you. What do you expect me to be? Write an entry every single day? I mean, c’moooon. Even Stephen King publishes a book once every few years or so. Do I look like Mr. King? Speaking of which, would anyone wanna look like him? I mean one look into his eyes and you can practically write a thesis on the definition of ugly. Talk about weirdo. I bet he was picked on a lot when he was a kid. Bullies must have had to pencil in for a daily beating of ugly ol’ Stephen. I’m betting he wrote all those horror novels just to get back at those who made his life a living hell. He probably named his characters after them and then kill them off in the most gruesome way imaginable.

Creepyyyy…. Which is exactly how I would describe you, Mr. HWTYAD. I couldn’t give a flying fuck of what you think. So HAH!!! I am not even going to justify this with a lengthy entry. Maybe you are just trying to provoke me into writing worthwhile for you to read just so you can fill out that void in this tiny little existence that you have. Well, I hate you too asswipe.

I am ending this entry even as you….

(There… it has ended)

Dear Stinking Mongoose. . .

I have been an avid fan of your work since day one. You have given me much insight into a self-righteous world that I too despise due to its hypocrisy. Much of your work contains freedom of expression from the point of view of one who is not likely to be satisfied with anything normal. You have issues with everything everyday life has to offer. You put it in words so blunt and so simple that even the bigger of idiots can understand. Amongst all, amidst the profanities, anger and loathing you have for your fellow man, you are able to inject subtle humour into much of you work.

However, lately this blog has become just a shadow of its former self. Is there nothing wrong with the world today? Are you really satisfied with life that you have somehow forsake the life of an anti-socialist that existence is actually bearable to you?

i am appalled to say the very least of how much this webpage lacks in the input of entries. You call yourself a ranter. Well, I see you as someone that is the opposite of a ranter. You, sir, are a quieter is such a word so exists. The total opposite of a ranter. By god, my shoes make more noise than you when I walk. Hell, a group of nuns in silent prayer is a riot compared to the inactivity in this blog. You do not deserve the title of a pissant ranter. You are just a pissant. Right about now, you are just taking up useful space on the internet. Space that could be very well used by other bloggers that deserve the attention of others like myself.

Gawd!!!!!!!! You make me fucking sick. You make me wanna puke all over my lappie just looking at your blog. You know what, I am pissing on you right now. That’s how much I hate you right now. Why are you not blogging anymore? Have you been not angry at the world? Is everything making more sense now? Did life throw you a freaking bone? You know what? You’re just another wannabe.

I hate you and all your pretentiousness. That’s right, I give you as much crap as the next bullshit, you shitter.

I am now spitting on your name and with that I am telling you that I will be moving on to better blogs. Good day to you sir.


He Who Thinks You’re A Dillhole.