Laziness is very, very bad. It brings out the worst of everyone. Why do we have to be lazy? Why do HUMANS have to be lazy? Sometimes I think its a sin to have free will and laziness is a loophole in this whole conspiracy called free will. There should be a law or an amendment or an Eleventh Commandments that says,"Thou who are lazy shall be whipped by the firey flames of Hell in the A-hole."
I seriously think that if we succumb to this ridiculous nature, we'd probably stink of piss and shit only because we feel that it would be very taxing just to wipe our own asses and genitals clean after using the toilet and feel that it'll just be simpler if we'd just do it as we stand.
History has proven us one thing. That if mankind was lazy, we'd probably be an extinct species before the stone age ended.
Reasons why:
Too lazy to propagate the human species.woman: "I wanna do it right now!!!"
man: "But I'm too lazy to erect my penis."
Too lazy to "Should we go out to look for food?"
friend: "Nah, too lazy to walk around. we'll just wait here in this barren wasteland and wait for a big fat boar to come along."
Too lazy to"one of the wolves made off with one of our youngs last night. Should we think of way to defend ourselves?"
friend:"no, this is god's way of telling us to keep our numbers low. Besides, less means more food for us."
Yes, I am just rambling. But honestly, the fact that our history books are filled with tragedies and triumphs of
do-ers. Not laid back slobs. But do-ers. If Thomas Edison hadn't discovered electricity, society would still be living in the Dark Ages. If Marco Polo did not circumnavigate the world to trade and make tons of money out of the spice trade and visited China, he would've never come back to Italy with spaghetti. If Einstein was a slacker and did not pursue his love for science, Japan would've won World War 2 and we'd be all living as drones, slaves to a community that worships commercialism *gasp*. (Then again, what's the difference, living in today's reality?) And if Sam Raimi gave up after making Evil Dead and didnt persevere to re-make it to Evil Dead 2 because he was too lazy to redo his own work, we would've ended up with Ang Lee as the director of Spider-Man. (Spider-Man with a touch of Brokeback Mountain?!?) Ok, that last one was a bad example and uncalled for. But do you see my point?
If we let this laziness conquer our very way of life, we will end up a dead society. A society that is littered with slackers who just wouldn't give a bloody damn about anything solely on the fact that thinking alone is tiresome enough. A society littered with carefree minds simply because they feel that provoking change would mean that they would have to go out and do something. A society filled with failures because everybody is just too lazy to study and keep up with burdening assignments.
It is now or never. I have to rid myself of this thing called laziness and procrastination. If not for myself then for my children and none of that "God, he wants to have kids!!!!" or "Fuck!"
Yes, I wanna have kids. I'll pray that they do not turn out like me.
Where was I?
Yes, I will be more studious and more diligent. A role model to all fellow students. A
something, something among tutors *shrugs*. (I was thinking about a really good word but then i forgot what it was.)
*looks outside at the rain*
But not tonight though. Too lazy to do anything. The weather feels just right for sleeping. I'll get on with my dissertation tomorrow.
*sighs* Honest...
Good night people...
So here I am. It's a Saturday night and well... Basically, I had something planned but had to cancel on the account of the rain and the lightning. Yeah, a simple get-together at the beach in the middle of the night would lose all of it's appeal if anyone of us was struck dead by lightning. The slightest idea of impending death was enough to deter us all from going, what with finals and due dates to be met.
Instant death or finals and deadlines?
Tough choice.
So... here I am. Cooped up at hostel with nothing much to do other than watch "That 70's Show - 2nd Season".
Anways, the highlight of this dull night. Watching this friend of mine who's sleeping in the living room. Now you may wonder what is so interesting about some guy lying in the middle of the living room, sleeping?
Let me describe: skinny, shirtless guy with eyes half open that only the whites of his eyes were visible. I was half-expecting him to sit-up abruptly and ask for my flesh whilst at the same time regurgitating vomit in my direction, snarling, head spinning and all.
Can it be that what I have now in my living room is Linda Blair's rival for a spot on "The Exorcist"? At one point, I actually saw his pupils glide in and out in between the gap made by his eyelids. Or was that... his third eye?? Maybe he's watching us as we make funny remarks at how much he reminds us of the movie "Dawn Of The Dead" and his planning his revenge on us... through sleeping with his eyes half-open.
The mysteries of sleep. I remember a couple of weeks ago, as I was blogging, this other friend, woke up, eyes bloodshot and then...
He asked for my name...
He blinked for awhile and then asked where he was. A few weeks after that, while he was sleeping, he started pointing and made this semi-circle slow swing with his arm. I actually asked him if he knew the winning numbers for the following day's 4D results. Sadly, that answer never came.
Maybe its the water or the weather. Or maybe people are just weird when they sleep.
However, none of these were as scary as the time that I woke up in the middle of the night and hear heavy breathing coming from the room next to mine. It took me awhile for me to remember where I was and who it was. And then I just laughed myself to sleep. (More like giggled. I didn't wanna scare the shit out of anybody by careless cackling away at my own stupidity in the middle of the night.)
I think I need sleep. But I don't think my eyes would let me.
Speaking of eyes, did you know that long term exposure to bright colours and the likes can seriously damage your optic nerves? Yes it does. There is no need for scientific evidence. It is an unwritten fact. Just like when people say "black tie only", it doesnt mean that you literally go to a social event wearing only a black tie.
And nothing else.
Only a dumbass would not understand that.
Seriously, bright colours are a contamination of the visual environment. Colours such as yellow or bright green or bright pink or bright anything should be illegal!!!
They pose a danger to human health. This is a matter of public health. It is as bad as public smoking. How many times are we told that looking at the sun is bad for your eyes? That is definitely true. I admit it myself. I've done the research. And now I am partially visually impaired. 10 years ago I had to wear thick-ass glasses that made even Steve Urkel look like Brad Pitt.
And why?
It was because of my fatal attraction to all things bright.. I had a love affair with the sun and it burned me. It left me with a scar so deep that I am traumatized for life... and partially myopic. Years on and a few spectacles later, I now know better.
And this is why I hate your colourful blog, Belle. Not because I slightly dislike you as a human being but because the colours on your blog makes me sick. As in dizzy. It seriously makes me feel nauseated. It also makes me feel like gouging out my eyes with my bare hands when I see something extremely radiant (clothes, houses, decorative lights) and Volkswagen Beetles. Yes, Beetles! I hate them. Really hate them. Hell knows no hatred than that of me for Beetles.
Well, I don't really hate you, Belle. Fine, I'll get a pair of Oakleys or those masks they use when people use the blowtorch just so I can read your blog from time to time. It really does feel like I'm exposing myself to radiation or something toxic. I think all that glitters will bring me to my death. Not cigarettes. Bright colours and bright lights and that includes the sun. Now you know just a little bit more about why I'm not in such a hurry to turn the lights on when it gets dark.
Fuckin' Hell. I find it unbearable now to even look at this screen. I am going to end this typing. Good night everyone and SAY NO TO BRIGHT COLOURS!!!!!!!
I'm so happy, 'cause today
I've found my friends, they're in my head
I'm so ugly but that's okay
'cause so are you, we've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday
for all I care, and I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze, 'cause I've found god
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
I'm so lonely but that's okay
I shaved my head, and I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame
for all I've heard, but I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait
to meet you there, but I don't care
I'm so horny but that's okay,
My will is good
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah...
I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I kill you, I'm not gonna crack
I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends, They're in my head
I'm so ugly but that's okay
'cause so are you, we've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday
for all I care, and I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze, 'cause I've found god
I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I kill you, I'm not gonna crack
Lithium by NirvanaAlthough this song makes no reference from the periodic table whatsoever, it is however a song on the psychological state of the mentally unstable. Well, its a song about a manic depressive, heavily angst, heroine addict in his late 20's. I think it was a heroine. Nevertheless, regardless of what substances Kurt Cobain dabbled in his songs were about simple, yet poetic and at the sametime manages to carry itself in such a way that, once you get passed all the chemically enhanced angst in his screaming, you know he's singing about life and himself. Yes I know this song is more or less 13 years old and yes its grunge and who listens to grunge nowadays except for only a few non-commercialists who stay true to their cause and also stays clear of mainstreamism.
Contrary to popular belief, nirvana's album
"nevermind" was a great pop album. Fine, the band itself was not comprised of a bunch of well groomed narcists who strike poses at every flashing light. But the definition of pop itself. What is it?? The album definitely was upbeat, it had songs that were easy to listen to and it has a number of hit singles. Today, they have been elevated to icon status. They could have been bigger if only Kurt Cobain was alive.
Why am I talking about Nirvana all of a sudden??
I am totally stressed out. Listening to Nirvana helps me to unwind and am currently listening to Marilyn Manson. And I think I slightly sprained my ankle again. Yeah, major suckfest....
Everything's been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name
Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah
Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in
Everybody sing along
Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah
Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in
Everybody sing along:
Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit
Stand up and admit it
Do we need it? NO!
Do we want it? YEAH!
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit it
Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah
Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in
Everybody sing along
Everything's been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name
Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit
Stand up and admit it
Do we need it? NO!
Do we want it? YEAH!
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit it
Now it's you-know-who
I've got the you-know-what
I stick it in the you-know-where
You know why, you don't care
Now it's you-know-who
I've got the you-know-what
I stick it in the you-know-where
You know why, you don't care
Now it's you-know-who
I've got the you-know-what
I stick it in the you-know-where
You know why, you don't care
Now it's you-know-who
I've got the you-know-what
I stick it in the you-know-where
You know why, you don't care
Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch, Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah
Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in
Everybody sing along
Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit
Stand up and admit it
Do we need it? NO!
Do we want it? YEAH!
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit it
Let us We're entertaining you
Let us We're entertaining you
Let us We're entertaining you
Let us We're entertaining you
Let us We're entertaining you
This Is The New Shit by Marilyn MansonYes, I know Marily Manson's a freak. Well, at least he's honest with himself. And the music that this man makes is innovative. This man has grown as an artist and manages to stay, well to use the word loosely, liked. So they say that his worships a red creature, horned with wings and a tail and rules in the deepest recesses of Hell. It does not necessarily make him a monster. You strip away the make-up and the contact lenses and the black nails and freakish figure and his bisexual antics on stage, you'd probably end up with a nice enough looking Satanist good enough to take home to mom and dad. Maybe not. But at least he shares his unique qualities with the rest of the world and doesn't deny it. Unlike a certain *coughs
Micheal* *coughs
Jackson* someone that is literally plastic.
You're the analyst,
The fungus in my milk,
When you want no-one,
And you got someone,
Through the wind you crawl,
And laugh at burning dunes,
When no-one else will ever see
Now that you know why you feel like you do
They're turning their head
Whilst they wait for no-one
And finally I know why you feel like letting it go
I'm watching you, watch over me
And I've got the greatest view from here
Mistakes don't mean a thing,
If you don't regret them,
So pack your tactic toes for the winter
Chain a waterfall,
To a burned and withered skin
When no-one else will ever see
I'm watching you, watch over me
And I've got the greatest view from here
Now that you know why you feel like you do
They're turning their head
Whilst they wait for no-one
And finally I know why I feel like you're letting me go
I'm Watching you, watch over me
And I've got the greatest view from here
The Greatest View by SilverchairI have no idea what this song means but it's my lithium as a matter of speaking. Besides, Silverchair kicks ass. From the ages of 14(1994) till now, they still kick ass. I have nothing more to say about them.
My ankle is throbbing again. I need to get ice for it once i finish this last few lines. I have nothing of interest to blog about in this here entry. I just needed to divert thoughts away from this aching. Sometimes, I just hate the human nervous system. Why can't our bodies just feel numb when we experience pain. Anyways, a damaged limb should be catered not exacerbated. Need ice now.
Good night.
The human brain is most definitely one of the most biggest mysteries in the universe. That and a blackhole. And also the deepest parts of our oceans. And Micheal Jackson. I find it amazing how something the size of a small loaf of bread can do so much in so little time. People say that we only use 10 percent of our brains. Imagine what the other 90 percent of untap potential can achieve. But then again, why does that other 90 percent not function as well as the other 10 percent? Is it like unused tissue or something? If it's unused why is it there? I wonder because I can really use up that space to cram for my test later. Why, dammit??? Why???
However, like all good things, our brains are not without flaws. Even God has bad days sometimes. Have you seen what a platypus looks like? Either that or he has a strange sense of humour. Or that long ago ducks and beavers were the romeo and juliet of the animal kingdom? Or a duck who had one too many drink and confused Mr. Drake and made it with one of the beavers next pond?
Anyway, I can now safely say that I am friends with a dumb smart person. He's kinda like Mr. Bean but real. He is smart I tell you. Academic awards and all. Scholarships pending and what not other great things people plan for him. But what happened tonight was the pinnacle of mishaps that has befallen this intelligent young being. Well, mishaps maybe not but surely enough this was one of his own doings. Just about an hour ago, he asked a friend of ours pictures of his graduation off of this other guys laptop. Now, any other normal human being would in turn bring his pendrive or other storage devices that he has available. But not him, he was one with wit. He used the memory card of his mobile instead. So he comes back to me:
him: you got memory card reader?
me: no.
him: but do you have your nokia cable? (the one that connects your nokia to your laptop)
me: i think so. Let me go check.
Me retrieving cable for him.
him: thanks. i'll bring it back later.
Comes back in about half an hour.
him: hey, you got your memory card extension with you.
me: yeah, i think its somewhere.
him: ok. *and leaves my room*
Ten minutes later, I went to his room to see if he's developing some sort of computer virus.
me: what are you doing?
him: where's your memory card extension?
me: *looking annoyed* in my room.
him: ok. *goes to my room to fetch abovementioned thing*
Comes back five minutes later.
me: what are you doing?
him: i'm trying to transfer photos that i got from **** to my laptop.
*struggles with nokia cable because basically we have different kinds of nokia*
him: dammit!!! its loose. It wont fit.
me: where's your pendrive?
him: *slaps own fore head in realisation of his own genius* MY PENDRIVE!! i have it here.
me: you're very smart aren't you?
Evidently, all those times he went up and down those two floors and back and forth from my room, he never realised that he could've just used his pendrive to take the pictures from ****'s laptop. Then again, this was the same guy who talked to me in his sleep only to wake and asked me who I was but that is a whole different story. The same guy who wanted refused to watch a scary movie with me and said,"I'm gonna close my ears because I don't wanna see it." Entertainment is not from a box. Entertainment is from the people around you. To be honest, my life would be much more bleaker without him around. Because I like waking up every morning and think someone else would screw up his day more than I would. It makes me feel higher up on the evolutionary chain.
I just like thinking back at those times when a boring lecture is on. Boring lecture and me smiling. Who's the idiot now?
I guess that's enough rambling for one night. I had to take a break from OT nursing revisions to blog about this because it just reminded me how a human brain in all its glorification and wonder, is still one of the worst things that could possibly break down in the middle of life. Take Micheal Jackson for example.
Nevertheless, there are times when you feel like crawling under a rock and just die there or wait for everyone else to die. Walking around with your fly open is one of those times or paying for $650 crew cut when you can get it for $4. Or like the time you unintentionally picked your nose in class while doing a presentation.
Yeah the brain is such a beautiful wonder.
Why is it the more I study, the more I feel stupid?
Good nite everyone.
My body is aching everywhere so just bare with me here for a moment. Let me first complain about my left arm that wont extend the whole 180 degrees. It hurts like something's gonna tear apart in there if I forced it. And my ankle is aching again. I guess it still hasnt really healed that much over the past one year. Yes, I have a need for physical sports. What can I say? I am addicted to futsal at the moment.
Shall I continue with my actual post? I need to state that I am here to blog because I am trying to blog myself to sleep. In fact the following, is just something off the top of my lopsided head. Yes, I have an uneven looking head. It actually feels a bit deformed. So here it is my passage to sleep.
Is it me or does the pick up line "Hi *said in a smoothest tone possible by it's user and with a smile. yes, don't forget the smile* actually almost never work on girls? Help me out here. I myself have never used it. I prefer to meet someone I actually have connections to. Yeah, it takes out that,"hi yourself lah asshole" stage. Plus transition is much easier when the other party doesn't think you are a lame-ass wannabee casanova or cassava depending on what she may use to refer to you as.
I've always wondered what kind of pick up lines are actually fail safe.
"I was watching you from back there and..."
"Hi... Sorang? (roughly translated as "are you alone?")
Here's my personal favourite, the one that I heard ages ago when I was in Form Four. This guy has no sense of class what so ever. Imagine you are one of the girls who heard this and your walking calmly in front of an all-boys school and this voice says(or screamed was more like it)," I wanna mate with you!!!"
That was the darkest day in man's(with reference to gender) history. It all came down to that very sentence. It's either he was high from the nasi lemak sambal or that he has no idea what it means to actually get a girl's attention and not humiliate her in front of the whole town.
Maybe it's just me but I am dying to know how many times have the normal pick-up lines actually worked on innocent, unsuspecting victims. There has got to be a better way to this whole dating game right? I doubt cheesy knock-offs of our forefathers lines actually brings you closer to a more healthy social life. Lineslike,"boleh berkenalan? (can we be friends?)" or "minta no. talipon wah dang!!! (can I have your no eh woman!!!)"
You know how we see in movies or tv that every man always has this flawless line that women would actually swoon at their feet. Yeah, fictional characters. What was I thinking? I still think small time romeos should get a lesson on the proper etiquettes of courtship. It's really degrading sometimes to see that 9 out of 10 people still use that same lines over and over again.
Obviously, I am not a girl so I have no idea what it's like to be tormented in such a way. Anyone out there please help me out. Tell me about the lamest things a guy has said to you in order to get your number. Please, I'm dying to know.
Yeah, and the last pick up line I used was "hello" too. Until her mother showed up from behind her and I pretended to be interested at the frozen pack of sausages that I immediately picked up after I knew that that relationship was going downhill even before it started. Her mother was a big angry woman with a stare that could melt ice.
Here's my experience of being hit on... by a guy... who likes to dress up like a woman... who is also a friend of my sister. It always starts out with "hi sayang" and me not looking in her direction. Oh Lord. Did I just refer to him as gender of the opposite species? I am so messed up. Anyways, it always starts out with that and ends with HIM ( i got it right this time didnt I?) in this dissapointed-trying-to-sound-lovable "sayyyaaaaaannnggggggg". *shudders*
This is one reason why I don't hangout with my sister's friends anymore. Not that I don't love her or anything but there is a limit to tolerating the sexually harassment by a a guy who prefers hot dogs to you-know-what. I don't wanna mention antyhing that would offend the rest of my entourage (yes belle, i am still daydreaming in this little perfect world where you would get me my latte. Or should I call you Turtle. Just kidding).
Anyways, seriously, please do tell me about someone the pick-up lines you've heard. I'm dying to know. It might just make this pain go away. Good night everyone. I am sleepy. I havent had any sleep for the past 24 hours. I know. I'm not normal.
I am so glad we are living in the twenty first century. Man has come a long way since the Stone Age. We are living in the time of prosperity and wonders. Maybe not peace but we are getting there. Hopefully soon because I am sick and tired of hearing about Iraq all the time. A simple compromise just wouldn't do it. He just had to go in there and seize control. Does he realize how much of the tax payers money that were used to shed blood? I bet he does.
Vindictive lil squinty-eyed old man isn't he?
I am also sick and tired of hearing,reading and watching about bad news all the time. So maybe it is important for us to be updated with the conflicts of the world. Be well-informed of the tragedies that occur everywhere. But, once in awhile, can't the front page of newspapers be about something less depressing or even anything that has been miraculously concocted to put the wondering public in awe and happiness?
Ummmmmm... Oohhhh.. yes!!!! The twenty first century. Isnt it wonderful?
Everything is just there to meet our daily needs. Life is convenient to say the very least. The things we seek are always at arms length or a phone call away. I am so grateful to be living in this century.
And because I am overwhelmed with this feeling of gratitude, I have decided to reflect and take a look at some of the things that make our lives easy, things that facilitate our daily living. And here they, in random order:
Instant food/fast food:In the beginning, man had to brave forests, cross swamps, thread faraway, foreign lands in search of that which matters most - Food!! Not only that, they had to make their own fire with nothing more than a bunch of rocks, twigs and any dry foliage that were available to them. Food is a neccesity that they couldn't afford not to have and they had to do this everyday. Their journeys were quite often long and full of risks and trepidation, much like going to the toilet in the middle of a blackout at night.
Today, food is abundant.
We have supermarkets that provide us with allegedly fresh meat. Fish that are so raw that their gills are still moving, meat so red and tender, blood still oozes a little through the muscule tissue and vegetables so green that you can't believe it's actually chlorophyll in the leaves. What we can't make, we order. Food is just a phone call away. Fried chicken, cheesy pizza, soft drinks galore. Fantastic carbohydrate-filled and sugary delights. But wait? What if you don't have time? What if time is never enough for you to make that phone call or do the shopping that you intended to do? Never fear, instant meals are here!!! We can boil, zap with microwave or even eat it straight out of the package. Modern technology is so bloody fascinating don't you think? So what if research done all over has shown that most fast foods can either make you excessively obese, hypertensive, diabetic or end up with one testicle because it gave you testicular cancer. It fills the stomach does it not? It feeds the hunger and that is all that matters.
The Modern Architecture:Modern buildings are so awesome!!!!!!!
Two paricular features I particularly like about these modern and yet often overlooked wonders: elevators and toilets.
Imagine what it was like without elevators. Ever wondered what it's like to climb all the way up to the top of the KLCC? Bloody tiring, I bet. Stairs are a thing of the past. Ever seen a castle that is more than ten stories high. (There are a few. I think? I'm not sure. But it's the closest example that I can give right now. Give me a break ok. If you don't like it, go fill it in with an ancient building of your own liking.)
As I was saying, this box that ascends and descends at the push of a button provides comfort and convenience for its user/users. In addition, there is that feeling of not being tired after going up twenty stories! Be it that most elevators are a bit claustrophobic, a bit nauseating and sometimes smell like human waste (liquid and solid waste), these mechanical ingenuities are a must for us folks who have a tendency to gasp for a breath of air after three flights of stairs. Because walking is not required except for when you go in and out of it.
However, sometimes elevators have a mind of their own. Take for example the doors. Elevator doors are equipped with devices or mechanisms that detect if something is in between them when it closes. Weeeelllll... on some elevators they work perfectly. Take it from someone who has been in a lot of elevators. SSB hospital elevators are evil. They are just enough to fit a bed trolley and two other people of medium built. It gives out this weird sound like its old and is about to snap off its cables at any moment. And the doors... they are the epitome of sadism. You have to have the reflex of a cat to get in. Push that button and jump in!! Don't hesitate or else it'll close on you. Literally!!!! Yes, I was once a victim. Caught between the grip of metallic doors. Although, it was only for a second or two, it was still humiliating. I think the patient got up from his trolley just to laugh at me. Laugh away he did under his oxygen mask. At least I made his day for him.
Moving along...
Our next feature, the toilet. Toilets have come a long way since the middle ages. If I remember correctly, most diseases that were present then, can be attributed to poor sanitation, which primarily means, lack of toilets. In those days, people did their business through an in-wall orifice, that is supported by a gutter installation below it. In other words, they crap out of the window. Not all, in some places. I bet most of them squat anywhere they want and went. That is untold history. Nobody really knows how poeple use to shit and I don't think not a lot of people care.
Back then, toilets were probably the ramblings of a mad man not taken seriously. Amazingly it has become one of the necessities of any modern building. Thank you who created that ever so popular bathroom fixture. Because of you, I know my ass has a place anywhere.
A toilet, by any other name, is still a toilet. Call it whatever you want - the oval office, the loo, john, the think tank - it is a sanctuary. A sanctuary where you can do your business and get clean up and away from prying eyes. A place where you can be at your most disgusting and not have to care what others think. I love the toilet.
Except public toilets. I'd pee in them but that is as far as my relationship goes with the public restroom. I mean, I'm not sure what the other ass had and where it's been. Call me paranoid. I just think it's just disgusting. I tried it once. My fecal matter refuses to regurgitate from my anus. REFUSES!!!!!!
Computers:I think computers are the BOMB yo!!!!!
Yes, without computers, where would we be? I wouldn't be writing this if computers didn't exist. I wouldn't have a blog of my own. I would have been a mad man at the age of twenty if I didn't have my own place to let it all out. Bill Gates would still be a mad geek in his garage with his gang of nerds.
Without computers, there'd be no tv, internet, free porn, defense systems, no way for those people to plan, coordinate and launch their nuclear attacks...
I just re-read this whole piece and realised that this is probably man's darkest era! We are doomed!!!!! Technology will become the death of us.
*screams pathetically in fear*
Despite that, I wouldn't want to be in any other time. Tell me this, which other time has high speed cable connection for smooth internet surfing? See my point? Good night everyone.
I just realised our perfect little sanctuary is being threatened by a new evil. Freedom as we know it, is slowly being stripped away from us. For more than a week, our humble little abode is under attack from a much more deadlier force than any disease that is known to man - a new warden!!!!!!
Maybe a little dramatic for an intro about management restructuring of Nursing College hostel. But honestly, why the change all of a sudden? This has sent waves of shock throughout the hostel that could be heard from THE MALL.. I know, I know. I'm overexaggerating.
So we've met this 60-something old man. He seems nice and all but I have my reservations. Behind that exterior of a pensioner and his dull looking cap, I can sense there is something dark lurking inside him. That and the fact that he plans to impose a curfew on us. Did I say plan? Let's say forced. Its not enforced yet but there is a potential uproar among us hostelites if he does.
Its the Devil I tell you. THE DEVIL...
This overzealous old man plans to make a spotcheck on us but tells us the date when its happening. He is very smart isnt he? The bright side is, we know when to expect what. The down side is I have yet to care to even start cleaning up my room. If I start listening to every authority figure I meet along the way, where would I be? C'mon honestly...
What have we done to deserve this? What?!?
There was a spotcheck last friday which I completely ignored. I heard a knock on our front door at 7a.m on a Friday morning. A FRIDAY MORNING?!? AT 7 IN THE BLOODY FREAKING MORNING?!? Who the fuck wakes up at 7 in the morning on Friday?!? I heard voices of orders being given. The hasty flaps of flip-flops moving along the corridor in front of my window and few more knocks on our door. I did what anybody in my position who very well knows the vice-principal was banging at my door.
Go back to sleep and let my other house mates open the door. Apparently, they were all on the same wave as I was. Nobody came to answer the door and she left soon after. Don't they know what time it was?? 7 in the morning!!!!!!!
Anyways, this entry is not one of petty complaints. Neither is it about the whines of the ungrateful. This is a matter of principle. We are not as provided as those in UBD. We are not given free food. If they start closing the gates at 11p.m, how are we gonna eat? Need I remind you what time we come back from afternoon shift? Really stupid, thoughtless mo-fos these people are. Do these people not remember how tiring it is to be a student nurse?!? If we start bending to this one, what else will they do? Pay for our wireless. We will not let this pass unchallenged. We will not be unheard. We will make a stand!!!!!
*humming "we are the champions"*
*mimics guitar solo to song*
*realise he's going over board and continues writing*
Hopefully this is just a phase like all the other threats they throw at us. If it does happen, I'm taking out the bolt cutter. After reading sheena's blog, I realise I'll be going to Hell... if I were a christian. If I am, I just hope they make a pit stop at a local store. I wanna pick up some ciggies on my way there. I heard you'll never need lighters there.
The past three days have been so freaking tiring. Work on top of more work adds on to countless hours of lost sleep. Plus my confidence was shot to shit in a matter of minutes today. Need not to worry. I was back to my old self though in hours. I am very glad that everything is done and dealt with. Phewwwww... No more work for the next couple of days.Now I can go on living again Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... I am an ecstatic tired little man. By little, I mean that in its broadest possible context.
I feel overwhelmed with relieve that now I didnt know what to do. I had everything planned just now when I came back from work. As I dragged my tired carcass up two floors, I can't help but wondered... Who the hell is singing that god awful tune?? A giraffe with a broken neck couldn't have sounded much worse. Fine, maybe he's just as overjoyed as I was. Even through the strained high pitched screams, i couldd hear he was really letting his heart out and telling the whole world that he was a joyous fellow - and a very bad singer to add.
Anyways, as I was saying....
I pondered what I should do to celebrate the next few days of freedom. Freedom from work that is. Then I remembered. I WANNA GO SISHA-ING!!!!! I could feel my face lit up. I miss that Thursday night. The night we acted like a bunch of stoners. Just remembered pictures of those stoners:

Ever wondered what a stoned Harry Potter looks like? Well, here you go.. And this was before the sisha started to sink in.
And this was after:

These are other pictures with a couple more stoners. God, that was a fun night:

There were more pictures taken of course but I am too lazy to upload some more. Besides, some pictures are better left unseen by the public eye. I wanna go back to Sugar and Spice... But far away from those lights. Those cheap light decos I was talking about in my previous entry. I dont wanna be dizzy half way through the sisha-ing. But I cant. I feel too tired now. So very knackered I am.
My eyes are getting tired, my breathe dropping slow and my vision is starting to degrade as I type. My whole body is growing weary and consciousness is slowly slipping away from me. Alas I must sleep because I just goddamn must. In closing, I'd like to tell you this. We are all monkeys. Just a fraction of a bit smarter than our other hairy counterparts. And clever enough to know how to make fire. Yes, monkeys. Not of someone hair that you know of specifically. Good night people.
Is it me or just about anyone procrastinate when it comes to work? I think maybe it's just me. Maybe my other friends take their sweet time too but won't let me see them doing so. Maybe it's in my nature. Or maybe, just maybe.. the subject I am dealt with is not the kind I would dive into.
For the past two days, I've been trying to finish this assignment and what have I done so far? A lot of other stuff that are non-related to what I hope to have finished yesterday. Let me see: prepare a health talk on fever versus going out for sisha, hanging out at that pool place, driving around in Bandar and sleeping.
If you're telling me my two days are totally wasted, then I beg to differ. I haven't had this much fun in weeks. I've been exhausted from work and the fact that weekends were just enough for me to catch some shut eye accounts for some rest and relaxation, don't you think? Maybe I should have spent some time on finish this frrrrreaking assignment. A lot of maybes. But I regret nothing. It was worth it I tell you. It was worth it dammit.
Haven't been out sisha-ing and last Thursday was nothing planned. Six of us crammed into my friend's Mitsubushi Galant and just rode off to Sugar and Spice and that was that.
I wondered why it (Sugar and Spice) was kinda deserted at the time. Only a few groups here and there each with their own sisha pipe and making their own cloud of smoke. What's even weird, THERE WAS NO ARABIC MUSIC!!!! Which was definitely not the same as it was ages ago when I was a frequent customer. What's really dissappointing was that we asked for grape flavoured sisha and ended up with something that tasted like apple. Maybe all the flavor was filtered off in the water base. If you've done this then, you'll probably know what I'm talking about. I'm too lazy to link you people with a picture of a sisha. It's too much work. Use your imagination. It's a pipe with a glass bottom filled with water and a hose that attached to the glass bottom. I think I've just describe a fish tank filter. Well, you go look it up. Disappointment aside, we were to eager to suck gas that we all decided the best option was not to ask for another one and went ahead to finishing that one.
And guess what? I have pictures! Pictures of a bunch of young adults that were supposedly high or imagined they were high from what-was-supposed-to-be-grape-but-got-apple-instead smoke.
Which I will not show at this time *big smile*
I dont think what we smoked that day had any type of hallucinogen in it. But that whole delusion of being high must have been what I would've called "He's doing it. Why can't I?" hehehehhehehe... The next person was acting stupid so I might as well join in. Then again the lights were giving me a headache. Imagine a dimly lit place and the only source of illumination were a stretch of blinking blue, yellow and red lights. At first it looks cool, and then after dinner it'll make you feel nauseated and next, you may or may not suffer an epileptic seizure. Depending on how much your brain can tolerate the FREAKING LIGHTS!!! I mean c'mon... I came there to enjoy myself not bask in the light show from a cheap episode of some sci-fi flick like Roswell. Maybe not Roswell. But still... I felt like any moment aliens were about to carry me off. Plus, I felt just a wee bit annoyed by the very fact they were flashing right in front of me. Blue is a beautiful colour. Unless its in your face blinking away throughout the night. Asides from that fact, the ambience was perfect for someone to just stretch their legs and let loose.
What's even worse was the pool place that we went to in Beribi had the same kind of lighting effect to it except bigger. Damn this people and their bloody moving lights? What the hell is wrong with you people? Maybe it was the headache that made me really opinionated about the lights. On any other day, I would've have thought the lights were pretty and probably be attracted to it like a fly to one of those insect killing blue light things. (Please tell me what its called. I'm dying to know. I'll sleep better at night and impress others who have not yet discovered what this piece of modern equipment created by man is called.)
Thinking about it is already giving me a headache. Hello everyone. Back to work now.
P.S. There might be tons of typing errors in here which I will not edit in awhile. Let it be with its imperfections. Once in awhile, it makes me feel human to be at least make a mistake or two.