Kinda sleepy now. I basically have no idea what to blog about... Life has been terrific. Although I can't help but wonder whether or not if there is more to life than just looking for a place to fit in society. Sure, having a job an earning your own living will partially embed your status within the working class. But let's face it. We will eventually end up in our forefathers footsteps.
The working person.
How content are we with that existance? I realized that personal satisfaction can never be achieved unless we try something new and then fail at it. For me, its the only way to at least know that I am human. Satisfaction for me dwells in the knowledge that there is something new for me to learn. Something new that I have to achieve. I think most of us go nowhere because we are too afraid at our own failure that we inevitably choose to take that yellow-bellied road without ever knowing the truth. That or people around us tells us what our subconscious pussied-up mind wants us to do.
But what do I want really? What is it that I want out of life? What do you want? And how far are we willing to go to have it??
That was just something off of the top of my head. Hmmmmmm... I read this book the other day - Pontianak, with Survival Guidelines. It's just leisure read. Nothing that would cataclysmically change your whole perception of life. It was funny and yet horrifically disturbing. Why am I telling you this? I dunnoooo.... I learned that people are envious creatures and that they will go to extreme lengths to get what they want. From the book, I mean.
Let me tell you about KB's weather lately. Skin burning hot i tell you. You can't walk around in the day without a trickle of sweat running down your back. Satan's weather is more like it. It felt like all the air-cons in KB could not thwart the wrath of the sun. I was in Moi Nam this time and regardless of the coldness the airconditioning that was present there, I could still feel the heat. It's like summer but without the hopes of autumn to come along after that. (Did I get the seasons right ka?)
And for most of you KB-ians, I bet you know about that little show that those lil young ones are putting on for His Majesty. I wanna clearly state out that the choreographer or the head for that particular show is a fucking egotistical slave driver whose lacks sympathy. Last Wednesday, the participants were dropping like flies due to heat and probably over-exertion and yet, he still carried on with rehearsal in the scorching heat and even went on to request for another full-rehearsal to take place thirty minutes after the last one finished. I think he was mostly trying to send people to Hell rather than guide them to His Majesty's heart. So Paloi one!!
Ok, sleeping now. Good night people. Maybe the sun burns the lards off of your backs and may it show you how Hell probably feels like in winter.. Hahahahhahaha... just had a funny thought. Since its summer when its christmas in Australia, does that mean Santa goes on his sleigh in beach shorts and his reindeers shedding all over the place? Whatever...
Obviously this did not really happen. Like I would let a testosteronely-challenged skinhead give me oral and then video it. The star of this lil sexcapade will not be named. I was actually fascinated by the ginormous shadow my friend's oblong head made on a nearby wall while he was playing Guitar Hero (you can actually hear it in the background). But dammit it!!! Was it not hilarious?? With the music and all.
What can I say? I have a pornographic vision. Come on. Admit it. So do you. Yes, you. You reading this. If its not one thing its the other. Watching water gushing out of a fire hydrant that's been busted open; a man with a jackhammer; sausages; woman playing on a trampoline (although this does not take much imagination); a boy who supposedly has a cold, sits in a room alone staring intently on PC screen with pieces of tissue everywhere; the sound of a squeaky bed or almost anything that squeaks for that matter.
Sex is around us. Yet some people are too scared to admit it.
Anyhoooooo, that is beside the point I'm trying to make. I am talking about perceptual fuck-ups. The phrase "assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups" holds many truths to it.
Take this for example:

Yes, this man is having an erection... Or is he???

Seeeeeee.... It's just his lil boy... I mean son. Our eyes lie to us constantly. Very constantly. Too constant for my liking and with my deteriorating vision, the mistakes I make are very too often. Eye candy from afar can be eye poison up close. It usually takes me two or three blinks to recognise someone. Either that or the person smiles at me first of waves or gives me the finger. Usually the finger means,"What the fuck are you staring at, asshole?" which usually is a sign for me to look away. Its so bad now that I completely ignore everyone that I think I've seen. At one point I was looking at this woman who was waving in my direction across on another escalator, and it took me till the top of the escalator to realise it was my sister. Its either my vision is failing or that I have premature dementia.

I just realised that it has been 3 weeks since I blogged. No wonder Blogger won't let me post properly. It is mad according to some sources. Mad at the fact that I've been neglecting it. There, there blogger. You know I love you *smacks blogger in the goddamn face* DONT YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!!!!!!
I can't help though. I've been busy and today I've to pack my things and prepare to move out of hostel. I am off to KB in a word. Clinicals will start tomorrow and it will drag on for 7 more weeks. 7 weeks of working in a medical ward.
I am ecstatic. I love work but it's the trip that I have to make back and forth from KB to Bandar every week that is killing me. I will miss Gadong. I have mentioned this before and I will say it again. KB is home but nothing beats living in Gadong. Why? Because KB no Nasi Katok! That's why. And even if there are any, its is so secluded that you'd probably need GPS to look for it and then send out a flare to get back to civilisation.
One more thing, it is the festive season now and guess what? You can practically re-use last year program if you still have it to see what's on this year. It's always the same thing over and over and over and over and over..... I wonder where all that money they receive every year goes to?
Anyway, will blog soon, as in a week or so to 'story' my mishaps to the angry mob that's always complaining about the current lack of entries.
P.S. Can anyone tell me how I can post audio recordings onto this site? I just want people to listen how the star of that video above screams? In short, like a girl. If you're standing behind him when he screams and you're looking at his shiny head, you could've sworn its Britney Spears. Demented ain't it.