Aug 26, 2007

Sitting On A Tilting Chair In A Dark Room

That's exactly what I'm doing right now. Not that the chair is tilted by some unknown force or that it was queerly engineered to be a slightly unbalanced in comparison to it's peers. I am doing this as a sign what life means to me when life is without chaos. This here, lads and lasses, is a man bored out of his mind. A man who has nothing much to write about in the last couple of weeks. Sad ain't it coming from a person who used to averaged 6 entries per month prior to this dry spell.

What is there to write?

Why should I write?

Is there a strong purpose for me to write?

Firstly, I can just imagine Bella's face going through my updateless blog. And also hear the cussing that foul-mouthed bitch has for me.


Nadawah La... She is a nice person. She really is. *smiles*

But what is there to write about?

Basically, on top of anything else, I feel like writing tonight. Brunei being the Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure that it is, has more beaches than places of interest or even places of amusement that can spark the imagination of any young, angst-driven, half-cocked, obsessively swearing dick head such as ... some people I know. It is now so tranquil that I think I've written what there is to write about.

Or have I?

You know what sucks about today's health care delivery system? It's free and people tend to take advantage of the fact that it's free. Some people will do anything to get out of work. I mean who wouldn't if a medical certificate is only a $1 and a wait away. Others use wards as accommodations. Funny how some fake their illnesses just to get attention and also the service that our health professionals provide. I mean, it's not that expensive when compared to the cheapest lodging that you can find here. And for that, we take for granted the finer things that others in less fortunate countries.

And then there are those patients that tend to over-indulge you with their level of wisdom in medicine when in turn you seriously reflect back on their need for medical attention in the first place. I mean imagine a diabetic that comes in everyday for the dressing of his foot ulcer. He sits there while you work and he's there telling you about what he reads regarding his never ending battle with that hole in foot. And then starts questioning whether or not that he might have this rare disease which is causing his foot to become swollen to a darkish purple. It's not like he's never been told of before or that he is to stubborn to listen but maybe, just maybe he should have looked under bacteria breeding in relation to extensive exposure to warm and moist conditions such as when you wear socks the whole freaking day and foot starts to sweat!!!! The idiot keeps coming in because I think he is self conscious and he constantly wear socks to conceal his feet. Simple really and he had the nerve to explain to me what club foot which by the way is congenital. Not unless he had that ulcer since he was a kid, this man does not have club foot. Makes you fell like you wanna take some of that gauze and shove it down his throat. Intelligence maybe stupidity ten-folds sometimes...

Anyways, biggest news so far online that I keep seeing everywhere is Jessica Biel's next movie and I am not talking whether or not if it's going to be a hit. Much of the news that has been traveling up and down the information superhighway is about the nudity that she is going to do. I mean what the "F"? Her boobs gets more coverage than other people's boobs. I am telling you, Scarlett Johansson will not be happy about this when she finds out.

I need to do something more constructive on my day-offs. Like build a working nuclear submarine out of Lego or something.

Good night people.

P.S. I have lost the angst. Where oh where has it gone to?

Aug 13, 2007

Shit and Stuff

This is my outlook on life right now - life is beautiful..

*laughs maniacally in content*

I cant say much. Work has been so cool. I cannot believe that for the first time in weeks I actually have nothing to rant about.

Anyways, I am just gonna scan through all the things that have been going through my mind.

Firstly, I still cant get over this fascination we have with the human body. What makes it so special. Lumps? Humps? Doinks? I mean yes by nature we have to be attracted to at least a certain part of the body that the our eyes land upon, but why? We have progressed to something that has quite frankly worship the anatomical assets that have been blessed onto us by our creator.

Wonder if dogs have it also?

"Check out the half-dozens on that bitch?" one dog said as he checks out the female from across the street.

I dont think animals have it as much as humans. They're more direct in nature. Its either they shag or they dont.

People are funny.

Anyhow, we have become so obsessed with our own physiques that most people would go to extreme lengths to surgically alter or enhance whatsoever flaw that they think they have. Whether it be silicone, plastic, lard or metal, it still seems weird that people tend to put things in them to make themselves look good. But does it really? Is it just that or is it the fact that it makes them feel good too?

In any case, I wouldn't be one to judge. I think decisions are made based on the person's own interests. Fuck if I care what others do.

In any case, I saw the weirdest thing the other day. A pair of push-up briefs for men. What idiot would buy that? Of all the narcissistical things that I have heard of this really defines my whole perspective on the male ego.

Banana not enough is it?

I used to think women would be the one to care about their looks than men. I guess I was wrong. MEN are apparently more vain than women. I mean come on... What girl would look at your package the first time she sees you?

And even if it does goes well and ends up in the bedroom wouldn't she notice the major difference in size when you two eventually get down to it? Imagine the poor girls surprise....

Its either she turns into this cackling maniac or runs out of the room, a cackling maniac.

"I'm sorry... I got to go. There's this lil... tiny... minute.... I just have to go!!!" she said as she runs out of the room snickering.

Your boy would really need a good pep talk if he's ever gonna get it up.

The following is another matter that needs urgent attention. BRUNEI IS SO FREAKING HOT NOWADAYS!!!!

I think global warming is actually here. All those times that we neglected the warnings of those poor saps from some ecological organization are actually catching up to us.


At least when we go down, the Earth will also go down in a blaze skin cancer and carbon dioxide. You think smoking has got something to do with the ozone layer getting thinner?

Anyways, I have all that I have to offer for now. Its funny how difficult it is to end and entry. How do I do this again? Oh yeah....