If there really is a Santa and all the things I've heard about him are true, I kinda feel sorry for the old guy for various reasons. For one, he has to climb down chimneys that barely can accomodate his barel legal waistline. Considering that this ageless pensioner has the ability to climb, no, slide, no, squeeze down a chimney the size of his thighs and not leave blood stains on your carpet just fails to elude the very essence of logic. Even after a few hundred chimney-drops, there is still no blood present in and around the fireplace. I mean slide down enough holes and you're bound to snag something on something... And bleed.
So magic is involved you say? Hmmm... Maybe. But even magic fails to explain the fact that this "Santa" character is able to circumnavigate the globe in 24 hours. Is it possible that Santa might have been a Hogwarts grad? Then its not a sleigh. Its a goddamn broom? Pulled by... Frogs? Besides, is it feasible to travel at that speed without burning your face let alone maintain a substantial amount of facial hair that quite frankly shows how insecure he is about his double (or triple) chin?
Another cause for concern, his weight and his insatiable appetite for cookies and milk. He's fat and with his uncontrollable sweet-tooth, he could be a diabetic. That basically means he is a potential heart attack or stroke waiting to happen. I mean how would christmas be if you woke up and found an overweight old man, lying face down in the living room, pulseless? To think with the other 364 days of the year, Santa would be taking care of his weight, exercising, yogaing, dieting and all that but year after year you still see the same fat-in-red. Yet, Santa does this every single year. And lives on....Bringing presents into our homes as silent as any covert agent that's gone for ninja training.
Anyways, this is what i'll do from now on. Do mini-posts. Because I cant think of anything much to rant about anymore. Good night and Merry Christmas to all..
Imagine this. Quiet night drive in Bandar Seri Begawan with two friends. Stops at junction due to traffic light. Vicki and Noi chatting away. Light turns green.Vicki:"
Vis, the road up ahead is closed."
Me:*Cautiously looking left and right for incoming traffic. Presses down on the accelerator.*
Vicki and Noi:"DON'T GO STRAIGHT, VIS!!! DON'T GO STRAIGHT!!!!!!!"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"Those were the last words that came out of my two closest friends.
Right before we all burst into this uproarious group laugh. Vicki was crouching in the back seat as I came to a sudden stop in front of a sign that states exactly stop. Noi was cowering in the front seat, covering her face. A bunch of onlookers (a group of hardworking policemen hard at work, sitting in a coffee shop) were probably baffled at what had just happened. I can only conclude that they assumed, since my car has a KB license plate, that I am new to the roads. The last thing I would do was go down and ask them what were on their minds.
Was I drunk? I doubt it. At least I think I'm wasn't.
This has been one fun night. Well, at least a funny night drive. And there we were talking about how mellow the hangout was. On my defense, I did not see it. I guess old age has caught up with me. I think its my eyes. Or my mind. Am I getting prematurely senile? *gasp*
I did not seriously know that certain roads in Bandar are closed on the weekends. For fuck's sake someone should tell me these things. Regardless of the stupidity that happened, I made some people laugh like crazy. At the expense of my own water face. Then again, when have I been such a dignified person.
Now we're back to being mellow. I think I'll go entertain Noi and her Guitar Hero addiction. She cannot go cold turkey on this game I tell you.
Good night numbnuts... Hahahahhahha... Yes, the name calling was necessary. You are a numbnut regardless of gender WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHH....
Before anything else, this is a formal statement:
Or should I say, COURSE OVER!!!!!! O-V-A-N!!!!!!! OVER!!!!!!! ( hehehehehe, i just couldn't resist. Sorry.)
Now the inevitable question is, what am I going to do? I am pretty indecisive when it comes to life-changing subjects. The fact of the matter is, I don't want to find myself going down a road that would eventually leave me feeling emptiness and regret. I bet I'm not the only one. It's only human, right?
So with the course over and done with, I've actually gone down to packing all of my stuff. All I have to do next are the usual formalities. Forms and other shit that I have to fill and take care of.
Question: Is it worth it for me to buy a $200 +++ graduation gown or should I just rent one? Weighing out the pros and cons of actually having an overpriced piece of cloth for the use of one day is giving me a headache. Although the cons, do seem to have their own draw. Why can't these things come in a disposable form. That would sell.
Currently, I am at this stage of whether or not I should bring back my Limp Bizkit poster. Why that particular poster? Because it is one of Wes Borland's finest displays of artistic ingenuity. Plus, it looks really cool. Regardless whether or not I was a Fred Durst wannabe back in my early teen years, this poster has certain memories attached to it. Although I kinda forgot where I got it from.
Can't believe I actually thought Fred Durst was cool back then?
Thank God for Marilyn Manson.
Anyhoooooo.... three and a half years of my life has already achieved what it is set out to do. That has got to mean something right? Along the way, I learned three things; nursing of course, people and in general, growing up. Maybe I learned two things, nursing and growing up with people. Or was it that I learned about how the sins of your past can eventually come up when you least expect it and that some people are so depressed by their own lives that they tend to make others as miserable as they are?
I think I learned a lot of things along the way. Like "hell knows no fury like a woman scorned".
Sure they say everything is alright but do they really mean it? NOOOOOOO... of course not, not. Next thing you know you are bending over backwards trying to figure out what is wrong with your life when everyone in class thinks you're a backstabbing, lying, conniving son of a bitch. Not that it happened to me. Well, kinda. But not about the lying and whatnot and about it being in class.
Men are so much simpler. Crude in their methods but still simpler.
I will miss Gadong. I really will. I mean which other institution has a hostel that is so close to the Mall? Name me one. I dare you. So cool were those 3 and a half years.
Where else would I discover such cool stuff like "Dexter" which I am such a fan of right now. The idea of a psychopath/forensics expert working for the police and yet is able to feed his urges for blood while at the same time pretend to be normal is quite intriquing.
Anyway, I have go to go. This entry is like walking into a schizophrenic's brain and dodging all those flight of ideas. Too many and yet to little. My blogging has gone down the hill as of late. Good day people.