I got all this wi-fi around me and I don't even know what to do. Hmmmmm...I guess I could start by thanking those that were involve in making this possible.
To whoever it may concern, thank you.
Thank you for the drive up. Thank you for the cigarettes.
Thank you for answering my text messages and letting me hang out here.
Thank you for letting me use your laptop and may the sun's rays not turn you into dust tomorrow.
Now, what?!!?
I can't think of anything to blog about. Should I bitch about the shortage of water that we KB-ians have been experiencing for the past 3 nights? What is wrong there? I don't mind if I can't take a shower. That can wait.
The thing that pisses me off completely is that I need water to flush the toilet. Seriously, this is a major issue. I mean, would you feel comfortable not flushing after taking a dump? Of course not. Being a normal self-conscious human being, we pride ourselves in the fact that others don't see our shit. Why do you think people made shitting a private affair in the first place? Name me one person who does no. 2 in an open place and manages to strike up a conversation with any passerby like nothing's going on down there.
Plus, you know how we are? We know how shit stinks. Yet, when it's another person's crap, we always never fail to feel obligated to tell the entire world that his/hers shit stinks. This happens when you can't flush. And the next person to follow, in my case, was my sister. And it was not even fecal matter that was floating around. It was just pee. Ammonia and all that. IT'S FERTILISER FOR GOD'S SAKE. Mum and dad don't need to know the general colour and odour that it emits.
On my behalf, I did what any cool *ahem* guy *ahem* would do. Pee, pulled on the flush and then as cool as possible, walked away. I did not bother to check whether the water was there or not. I thought that it would flush like any other day and copious amounts of water came gushing down like Niagara Falls.
Some people.
Lesson learned though. I will now wait for some trace of water to rush into the toilet bowl and then... coolly walk away.
I contemplated on praying that one of these days, that she will get hers. That she would finish shitting and realise that there's no water to flush...
But then... I realise the distance from my room to the toilet's door is barely a couple of feet away and the smell would definitely stink up my room. That and the fact that I don't pray. Not because I hate GOD or anything. I just don't know how to. Some parents teach their children to believe in a higher power and that punishment shall be dealt upon if they didn't do good. My parents choose to make me believe that their divine power came in the form of a long cane. No, I never felt how it was like to be beaten by that thing. It usually starts with "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!?" in the angriest tone possible, cane in hand and me confessing to, say something like, pouring detergent into an aquarium full of fish because I thought it seemed like the fish tank needed cleaning. If ever you wanna see fish drown, try pouring Dynamo into a fish tank and see them gasp for water.
But seriously, never felt a cane beating.
And one more thing, GPRS in KB is shot to shit man. You cannot get a decent signal for more than an hour. 3G my ass!!! 1G oso they cannot fix properly. BODOH!!!
I should stop. I just saw this entry retarding as I write. Anyways, happy weekend people. May it be a day for relaxing and not a day of working :) And yes, that was for you.
Btw, new Batman movie comes with anime. Rip-off of Animatrix but if you're a fan of the Bats, you should be excited. It looks awesome!!!!
Batman Gotham Knight - Official Trailer
I need to shit. But I feel the urge to blog even more persuasive than answering the call of nature. Which is funny because I can't think of anything to blog about. I find that funny sometimes. Mainly because my urges to write are driven or in a way connected to my bodily functions. Its disgusting, i know but i am as weird as they come.
I am currently jobless. Suffice to say that i've taken all the necessary steps to get out of this state. I am still waiting.. And waiting.. And waiting. Wonder when all this waiting is going to end? Its kinda sad being so young and yet so useless at the same time.
I miss bandar. God only knows I miss bandar. Even when I was bored in bandar, i could've easily found something to do. I even miss that Bella's trench. How it has grown since the last time i've been there. Honestly, if ever the Nazi's invaded Brunei, she'd have a place to defend her place from. Seriously its freaky the way that hole has evolved into something of that size and only in a short time. Its practically trying to separate it self from the rest of the country. Its like a miniature model of how continents formed.
Why am i going on and on about some hole in the ground? I miss bandar. Did i not mention that?
I miss my laptop. No more DotA on that thing. It has passed its time of glory. Now its just a very odd looking paper weight. I seriously thought that it would be with me forever. Apparently, it decided to retire and lay to rest. Old friend, you shall forever be remembered.
I miss the free wireless. That's what i miss so much about. But what's the point now? I don't even own my very own laptop. So sad. Life has gone down the drain for me. Flushed down like yesterday's turd.
Note to self: first paycheck will be invested into a new lappy. Sorry old friend, but i cant live without one.
That was pointless.. Waaaaaa... I need something better to do. Good night people.
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
I aint bothered!
(He's not bothered because men cannot marry each other in this country. And why is the first question of this questionnaire already annoying?)2. What do you think you were in your past life?
I aint bothered!
(I think he was a woman)3. What's your favorite thing to do?
Saying "Aint Bothered!"
(Pretty much that.. and sleep)4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
Look at my face, "I aint bothered!"
(Money won't buy happiness but it sure as hell can feel up that void... and also cartons of cigarrette)5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Can you shut up now!
(I agree with Daus. Why this questionnaire so happy one? Shut your pie hole.)6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
I aint bothered!
(I am bothered. I love money but money somehow doesn't love me. It keeps leaving my wallet.)7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Shut up now!
(My penis??)8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
I aint bothered!
(Take daus' money and make two million since he ain't bothered about it. Buy myself a house by the beach and put a "NO DAUS ALLOWED. I AIN'T BOTHERED!" sign)9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I aint bothered!
(hmmmmm... )10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
3 points: I, AINT, BOTHERED!!!
(He, Ain't and Bothered!!!)11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
Shut up now!
(Other half of what?!!? This questionaire is very the vague and lame :S)12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Are you direspecting me? I aint bothered!
(The type of person that asks too many questions.)13. What is your ambition?
Are you calling me stupid? I aint bothered!
(What the fuck?!!?? So many silly questions!)14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
I aint bothered!
(To your place, so I can layeth the smacketh down on your candy-ass.)15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
I aint bothered!
( >=( stupid fucking questionnaire)
16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
Shut up now!
(not do this)17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
You calling me liar? I aint bothered!
(the one that bothered to do this)18. What music have you been listening to recently?
Catherine Tate: I aint bothered!
(spanish by bella, who should be studying)19. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
(with my eyes... DUH!!!!)20. what else are you doing when you are writing this tag?
Am I annoying you?
(Thinking if you've read my other entries and wonder if you feel safe at night knowing that I hate you, writer-of-this-questionnaire)I tagged all my blogrolls!!!! I aint bothered!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking questionnaire. Do it if you're really, really desperate for something useless to do or your world would end and the continuation of life depends on you doing this questionnaire. Thank you very much for tagging me. I hate you.
All of a sudden I am in a foul mood. Like Brunei's weather as of late. Seriously, I'm terrified of going out in the rain nowadays because:
a) I might drench myself in mere seconds;
b) get struck by lightning;
c) if I used an umbrella, I'm afraid that I might get swept away by horrifying gale winds that comes with the rain and end up in a tree in Temburong or something;
d) all of the above.
The weather is as moody as Naomi Campbell during her PMS. Rain, Light shows, wind and thunder. The whole works. Wow. I think Mother Nature has gone completely anal.
Anyhooo.. I wanna sleep. I am still pissy about that thing above that I have just finished answering. Good night people.
I feel very malicious. I don't know why. Must be that Coke I had. It was the first I had in days. It's doing something to me. I can feel it turning me.
Maybe its the fact that I am so jealous of people who have watched Iron Man. So I might not agree with the choice of cast, but still...
It's IRON MAN!!!! What kid wouldn't want to be armored up like that? I want!!! I want!!!! iwantiwantiwantiwant!!!!! Santa better have a bigger bag for me this year, regardless of the fact that I don't celebrate Christmas or that I'm not even Christian. Don't give me that look. I'm not some selfish kid that wants every eye candy that comes along his way. I want Lindsay Lohan at one point but did you see me bawling over her come christmas over the past 3 years?
This is a one time thing. Santa better delivers or else I'm going hunting for turkeys and I might mistake him for one.
That was all I can think off. I wonder. I used to blog a lot. But not anymore. Something major must have happened from then to now. Now this is a conundrum. I pity my once thriving blog. It's so lame now. Pathetic even. I used to be very angry which in turn leads to blog entries. Now, I am less angry and hence, less entries.
Be angry and blog or sedated and not blog?
Where am I going with this?
I don't know.
But I am still pissed at Santa. For a guy who is overweight, he is sure gets around a lot. I mean seriously, kids look up to you, but I think maybe a few feet off of your waist is wise for someone your age. Seriously, obesity is one of the predisposing factors that cause coronary heart diseases. Finding a fat guy in a red suit dead in the middle of a living room is not the way you want to immortalise yourself. Lay off the cookies Santa and it may save your life. I should know. I am a registered, certified something, something...
I'm done. I feel better now. :D
Good night everyone.