I'm confused. I can't for the life of me understand why. I'm getting a headache from being confused.
Now I'm angry. Because I'm confused and can't figure out why. Plus, I'm hungry. Now my head and stomach are both aching. Its not a good. It's not good at all.
I'm craving for something. But I know I can't have it at this hour. Who'd be crazy to open at this time of night? Food is a necessity. Where there's a necessity, there's always an opportunity. People have needs. Businesses were built open needs.
Now I'm sleepy. Which is insane because the moment that feeling comes, I'm awake again because I'm still confused about something that I'm not sure about.
Should've put my phone on vibrate.
Life is simple.
Life is predictably random.
And that's life.
If you asked me, Sir Isaac Newton may have stumbled something more other than just the first law of motion when he wrote 'every action has an equal and opposite reaction'. I never got that whole story. What really happened to that apple? Did he threw it away in anger? Did the impact of that fruit with his skull left some sort of cranial damage that could have led to some distortion of brainwaves that led to that epiphany?
If you asked any Hindu, karma is basically that, what comes around goes around. Whether or not Newton stole it from India or he threw the apple and it inadvertently hit a hindu in the head or Hinduism is actually Newtonian or vice versa, life is simply a circle (of life). Yes, very Lion King of me I know.
As I lose you in my current stream of thoughts, let me explain to you that I'm not considering Scientology as my faith. There's a point to this gibberish. Something made me think of what happened five years ago. I kinda got into a fight with someone over a clown fish and up to now I have no clue as to why. I still wonder about it. About how it all could be different but its been five years and I really want to leave it at what it was. Maybe I'm vindictive. I may hate people for some reason or no reason at all. But if you were me, you would wonder why a clown fish could lead to the end of a friendship. It bugs me. It bugs me. It bugs me.
I know. Its been five long years. But who's counting right?
Fucking Nemo.
Daus, a paperclip is as malleable as they come. Straight in brunei, bent in sidney. Nobody would know. Its not like we keep an eye on 24/7. What happens in Sidney, stays on your genitals. And that is why I need ample time for an escape plan. Man may have invented vaccines to protect us from that internationally renowned swine flu. But man knows not the dangers of a Daus' epidemic. It will eat you alive like a cougar looking for young boys to prey upon.
And you Bella!!
Don't! Don't even indulge this friend of yours of uncertain sexuality of your fondness for him/her/it. I know you mean well. Maybe, you were merely stating an obvious fact that four months is still a far (and safe) distance away. You can never tell with these emotionless cboxes. A simpleton can miscontrued your innocent intentions indefinitely into something that feeds into his ego.
Tsk tsk tsk little missy...
Thou shall know soon enough.. A biblical swarm of locusts you shall know soon enough..
*Evil laugh*
heh3 just needed to comment on that cbox comment dated 31/01/2010. Now I've got carbolize my cbox. I feel the force is bad in this one. Need to feng shuuuiiiiiiii~~~~ the shui out of it.